Thursday, March 29, 2012
"Diced Steak" bento - 角切りステーキ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 角切り牛ステーキ / Diced Steak
- インゲンのベーコン巻き / Bacon Rolled Green Beans
- ブロッコリ / Broccoli
- ごはん / Rice
It was very nice weather yesterday so we did some BBQ on the patio. My husband bought some seasoning for beef so we used it. It tasted good. I microwaved the leftover beef a little and diced.
Thank you very much!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"Spicy Teriyaki Chicken" bento - スパイシー照り焼きチキン弁当
Today's o-bento(March 27):
- スパイシー照り焼きチキン / Spicy Teriyaki Chicken
- ごはん / Rice
- ブロッコリ / Broccoli
Thank you very much!!!
"Grilled Chicken with Pico De Gallo" bento - チキンとピコデガロ弁当
Today's o-bento(March 26):
- グリルチキン / Grilled Chicken - ピコデガロ(サルサ風)/ Pico De Gallo
- ごはん / Rice
- ゆでブロッコリ /Steamed Broccoli
My husband made this one night before along with corn tortillas!
Thank you very much!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"Fried Mayo Panko Chicken" bento - 鶏のマヨパン粉焼き弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 鶏のマヨパン粉焼 / Fried Mayo Panko Chicken
- ごはん/Rice
- 茹でブロッコリ/ Steamed Broccoli
In a small bowl, put mayo, Chinese chili sauce, salt & pepper and mix well. Add diced cut chicken into the bowl and mix well. Take out chicken pieces and dump them into a container of panko. Fry them in a pan with salad oil. It doesn't have to be deep fry. Fry the both sides of them until they become golden brown in medium heat. Put some more Chinese chili sauce on them as you like.
Hope this is spicy enough for him.
Thank you very much!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"Fried Rice" bento - 炒飯弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 炒飯/ Fried Rice
- 海老マヨ/ Mayo Shrimp
- 茹でブロッコリ/ Steamed Broccoli
Fried Rice --> Rice, Bacon, Egg, Onion, Peas, Salt & Pepper, Chinese powder stock, and Love
Mayo Shrimp --> Shrimp, Salt & Pepper, Mayo, and Hot sauce
I am in the middle of my precious spring break! We have stared to look for a house to buy. I am very excited!
Thank you very much!!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
"Chicken Sandwich" bento - チキンサンド弁当
Today's o-bento:
- チキンサンド/ Pan-Fried Chicken & Lettuce with Jalapeno Sandwich
So he said only one sandwich is good for his lunch! I hope he won't be too starving.
Chew well, darling!
Thank you very much!!!
"Curry & Ricei" bento - カレーライス弁当

Today's o-bento (March 14th):
- カレーライス/ Curry & Rice
- らっきょう/ Pickled Shallots
Whenever I don't time to cook dinner, I tend to make curry for my husband and this is left over. He started to be on diet so the quantity of both rice and curry is about one half!
Thank you very much!!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
"Maki zushi" bento - 細巻き寿司弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 納豆巻/ Natto Rolls
- かっぱ巻/ Kappa (Cucumber) Rolls
- お新香巻/ Oshinko (Pickled Daikon Raddish)Rolls
- まぐろ巻/ Tuna Rolls
- ツナマヨ巻/ Mayo Tuna Rolls
- カリフォルニア巻/ Californian Rolls (Imitation Crabs & Avocado)
We had "Sushi Tuna" at an international grocery store last weekend so we had some temaki sushi last night. These ingredients are all from last night but I rolled all of them this morning. I should have added some spicy stuff in Mayo Tuna!
Thank you very much!!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
"BLT Sandwich" bento - BLTサンドイッチ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- BLTサンドイッチ/ BLT Sandwiches
We have no chicken anymore, and I forgot to defrost beef last night so I was wondering what I can make. So I cut and fried Bacon, take the seed out from tomato, washed and dried lettuce, and sliced some jalapeno for BLT Sandwich. Inside of each bread, I spread mayo and Japanese mustard.
Thank you very much!!!
"Fried Rice" bento - 炒飯弁当
Today's o-bento (March 12) :
- 炒飯(ベーコン、玉子、玉葱、人参、ピーマン)/ Fried Rice (Bacon, Egg, Onion,Carrot, & Green Pepper)
- 卵焼き(鷹の爪入り) / Spicy Rolled Egg
- マヨ海老 / Spicy Mayo Shrimp
I had to go to work after school til 10pm so I forgot to ask him how he liked it last night. Oh well.
He offered me to cook dinner one night before, so we made this fried rice together. It's always nice to get some help in the kitchen.
Thank you very much!!!
Friday, March 9, 2012
"Diced Steak with Wasabi & Soy source" bento - わさび醤油角切りステーキ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 目玉焼き&ステーキ丼/ Steak Don with Sunny side up
- 炒め玉ねぎ(肉の下) / Pan-Fried Onion under steak
- 茹で枝豆 / Boiled Edamame
- りんご、ラズベリー / Apple & Raspberries
He said, "Oh, I don't need lunch today. I told you last night."
OMG, I wasted my precious morning hour.
I had it for my lunch after work, but it was too spicy for me!
Thank you very much!!!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
"Diced Steak with Wasabi & Soy source" bento - わさび醤油角切りステーキ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- わさび醤油角切りステーキ/ Diced Steak with Wasabi & Soy source
- ベーコンと野菜の炒めもの / Pan-Fried Bacon & Vegetable
- 焼きポテト / Pan-Fried Potato
- ごはん / Rice
- りんご、いちご、ラズベリー / Apple, Strawberries, & Raspberries
Thank you very much!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
"Spicy Shrimp Fried Rice" bento - 海老炒飯弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 海老炒飯 / Spicy Shrimp Fried Rice
- マッシュポテト / Fried Garlic Rice
- サワークラウト / Sauerkraut
Fried rice has shrimp, an egg, cabbage, carrots and cilantro.
Thank you very much!!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
"Saikoro Steak" bento - サイコロステーキ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- サイコロステーキ / Diced Beef Steak
- ガーリックライス / Fried Garlic Rice
- キャベツとエノキの炒めもの / Pan-fried Cabbage & Enoki (velvet shank?)
- うさぎ林檎 / Apple
Thank you very much!!!
Monday, March 5, 2012
"Teriyaki Chicken" bento - 照り焼きチキン弁当
Today's o-bento:
- 照り焼きチキンのシラントロのせ / Teriyaki Chicken with Cilantro
- ごはんと千切りキャベツ / Rice and Julienne Cabbage
- ベーコンと枝豆の炒めもの / Pan-fried Bacon and Edamame
- サワークラウト / Sauerkraut
- Apple & Strawberries
Mu husband is back from his business trip. Right before he left he asked me why the apples in his o-bento were not rabbit shape anymore, so here, I did that this morning.
I've been having busy days of working and going school so I made the most of today's o-bento last night. Teriyakki sauce is a combination of soy sauce, mirin, a little bit of sesame oil and sugar, plus some Chinese chili.
Thank you very much!!!
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