Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Genmai Gohan" bento - 玄米ごはん弁当

Today's o-bento:
 - Genmai gohan (Brown Rice)
 - Bacon-rolled carrots
 - Fried vegetable and sausage 
 - Spicy Black Beans

 Last time my husband and I went to a Korean grocery store, we happened to buy a 20 pound bag of brown rice instead of regular medium grain rice by accident! Seems like I have to add a little bit more water to them when cooking, otherwise they will be hard like gummy. There is a "Brown Rice" button on the rice cooker, but it takes more than one hour so I don't use it. Cool things about brown rice are healthier (more vitamins), interesting texture, and moreover, I don't have to wash the rice so many times before cooking.
By the way, I tried to make bacon-rolled carrots for the first time. I microwaved julienne carrots for about 20 seconds, rolled them with bacon, and pan-fried. Seasoning is a little bit of soy sauce.


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