Wednesday, December 28, 2011
"Pan-fried Herb Chicken" bento - 鶏のハーブ焼き弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Pan-fried Herb Chicken"
- Boiled Cabbage and Broccoli
- Rice
My husband is back from Germany and made lunch for him but he will be taking some leave of absence for a while!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
"Karaage" bento - から揚げ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Kara age (Japanese style Fried Chicken) with lettuce
- Shrimp rolled in Bacon
- Rice with Furikake
No more o-bento makeing until the end of the year!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
"Ebi Fried Rice" bento - 海老炒飯弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Ebi Fried Rice (Shrimp)
- Boiled Potatoes and Green Peas
- Spicy Pan-fried Bacon, Onion, & Corn
I was going to grocery shopping yesterday but the commissary was closed. Anyway, I had a bag of frozen shrimp so I fried them with rice, an egg, and lettuce.
Friday, December 2, 2011
"Maki zushi" bento - 巻き寿司弁当
Today's o-bento:
- California Maki
- Tuna Maki
- Corn & Mayo Maki
- Kappa Maki (Cucumber Roll)
- Oshinko Maki (Pickled Daikon Radish Roll)
- Lox Maki (Smoked Salmon Roll)
A few weeks ago, an African American girl at work asked me if I make sushi sometimes. She said there was one time she wanted to eat them and bought some at Safeway, but they were not good. I have never had sushi they sells there but I can guess it would be something like I had in Canada. Rice is like smashed like dumplings! Anyway, since I make maki sushi sometimes and my husband does love them so much for lunch so I promised her I make some for her too. I told her yesterday, "Don't forget it's Sushi day tomorrow!"

Thursday, December 1, 2011
"Peanut Butter Pork" bento - 豚のピーナツバター炒め弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Fried Pork with Peanut Butter & Soy sauce
- Rice with Lettuces underneath the pork
- Canned Beans
- Korean See Weed Salad
I don't really eat pork in America but I found out my husband likes pork so I bought some. I can't really think of any recipes of pork but I looked up online and tried to make this. ( It was actually good.
アメリカには日本のような薄ーい お肉が無いので、と言い訳するのですが、豚肉の調理方法がなかなか思い浮かびません。
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
"Onigiri & Teriyaki Chicken" bento - おにぎりと照り焼きチキン弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Sake Furikake Onigiri (Salmon Furikake Rice Ball)
- Goma Onigiri (Sesame seeds Rice Ball)
- Teriyaki Chicken
- Mayo Corn & Green Peas
- Apple Slice
Forgot to give him Nori see weed paper and some hot pepper!
Oh well.
Monday, November 28, 2011
"Karaage" bento - から揚げ弁当
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
"Sushi Roll" bento - 巻き寿司弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Spicy Tuna Roll
- Corn & Mayo Roll
- Californian Roll
- Spicy Tuna Roll
- Corn & Mayo Roll
- Californian Roll
- Avocado & Tuna Roll
Cooking is not that hard. The hardest part is to think what to make! Sushi is so easy when I have no idea what to make for my husband's lunch because he loves them anyway.
"Buffalo Style Bites" bento - チキンナゲット弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Buffalo Style Chicken Bites (Frozen!)
- Fried Corn & Bacon
- Boiled Egg
- Genmai Rice (Brown Rice)
Forgot to upload this a few yesterday. I finally got my own car last Sunday so I am pretty excited about that. Anyway, now I can go to grocery shopping any time I want to, but since I really don't have anything left in the refrigerator again, so I had to use this frozen buffalo chicken wing or something I don't really like so much.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"Sandwich" bento - 弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Bacon & Cabbage Sandwitch
- Corn-Mayo & Cabbage Sandwich
- Fried Pork & Cabbege Sandwich
- Sliced Apple
I wanted to to stop by a commissary on the way back from school yesterday, but we couldn't make it. I was wondering what I could make and I put cabbage every single sandwich! I want a knife to cut bread.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
"Mame Gohan" bento - グリンピースごはん弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Mame gohan (Green Peas Rice)
- Fried katsuretsu (Fried pork)
- Pan-fried bacon & corn
I used to have a lot of mame (green peas) gohan when I was in Japan. My grandparents are farmer, so I often had changes to have very fresh and nice vegetables. Ah, I miss them so bad. Even though the peas I used for this mame gohan are not fresh but frozen, it turned out very well. I added about 1 Table spoon of sake and 1 pinch of salt in 2 cups of rice before starting the rice cooker.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"Genmai Gohan" bento - 玄米ごはん弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Genmai gohan (Brown Rice)
- Bacon-rolled carrots
- Fried vegetable and sausage
- Spicy Black Beans
Last time my husband and I went to a Korean grocery store, we happened to buy a 20 pound bag of brown rice instead of regular medium grain rice by accident! Seems like I have to add a little bit more water to them when cooking, otherwise they will be hard like gummy. There is a "Brown Rice" button on the rice cooker, but it takes more than one hour so I don't use it. Cool things about brown rice are healthier (more vitamins), interesting texture, and moreover, I don't have to wash the rice so many times before cooking.
By the way, I tried to make bacon-rolled carrots for the first time. I microwaved julienne carrots for about 20 seconds, rolled them with bacon, and pan-fried. Seasoning is a little bit of soy sauce.
Friday, October 28, 2011
"Maki zushi" bento - 巻き寿司弁当
Today's o-bento:
- o-shinko Roll (takuan, pickled daikon)
- Sausage Roll
-Tuna & Mayo Roll
- Pan-fried Salmon
- Fried Shrim
We finally bought takuan at a Japanese grocery store in Washington D.C. It was not dyed into yellow nor very expensive one, but still good! Looks like I should have put something green in o-bento though.

Thursday, October 27, 2011
"Potato Croquette" bento - 弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Simple Potato Croquett
- Simmered Sweet Peas
- Spicy Mayo Shrimp
- Rolled Egg with Tuna flakes and Mayo
- Rice with Furikake
Somehow my husband got a ride from his friend yesterday so he asked me if I can make some take-out snack for his friend. He said he likes potato so I made potato croqueets. I added a little bit of sugar in them and made them a little sweet. I hope he liked them. So, actually these croquettes are left over, again.
Frozen green peas at Safeway was only 99 cents per bag with the coupon. I feel nostalgic my mom's cooking and tried to replicate. Hmmm, they were gooood.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"Beef and Vegetable" bento - 肉野菜炒め弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Fried Beef & Vegetable with BBQ sauce
- Boiled Egg
- Rice
My husband came back home. I haven't been grocery shopping so much and don't really much things in the refrigerator again (Excusing!). I used frozen vegetable that I got at Safeway. I love Edamame.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
"Inari Zushi & Salmon Cheese Roll" bento - 稲荷寿司とサーモンチーズロール弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Inari Zushi
- Salmon Cheese Roll
- Soy sauce & Wasabi
I have been too busy to upload o-bento pictures these days. I am so stressed out and got sick! Anyway, my husband is going to be away from home again, so this is going to be the last one for a while. I got smoked salmon (lox) at Costco and made rolls with cream cheese. Rice was cooked too softly but I think it was ok.

Friday, September 23, 2011
"Thin Ton Katsu" bento - 薄とんかつ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Ton Katsu (Pried Pork Scaloppini)
- Boiled Egg and Vegetabel
- Rice with Sesame Seed (Hidden Nori sea weed paper is inside)
We had deep fried pork last night for dinner and of course I made some for today too. Since they are deep fried, I wanted to make the rest as healthy as I can, so I just boiled carrot, green beans and broccoli in salt water.
もともと豚肉好きな私でしたが、アメリカに来てからなんとなくにおいが気になって、フライ以外では食べなくなりました・・・。たまたま見つけた、Pork Scaloppiniという、部位がよくわからないお肉なのですが、1パウンドあたり1ドル70セントくらいで、しかもアメリカの肉にしては薄切りで骨なしなので気に入っています。脂身も少なくてあっさりとしています。

Monday, September 19, 2011
"Teriyaki Chicken" bento - 照り焼きチキン弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Teriyaki Chicken
-Bacon Rolled Green Beans
- Rolled Egg
- Fried Vegitable
- Rice with Sesame Seeds
I have a first Biology exam at school today!


Friday, September 16, 2011
"Pan-fried Salmon" bento - 焼き鮭弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Pan-fried Salmon
- Spinach & Bacon Saute
- Rolled Egg
This is the first and last time to make o-bento for my husband and myself this week. We went to our favorite sushi restaurant last night (by driving 2.5 hours because of D.C.'s crazy traffic!) and we were saying we need more seafood. This salmon is my favorite one from Costco. They sell it without bones and skin so I love it. I just dashed some salt and pepper and fried on a pan with a little of olive oil. Very simple. On the other side of them I was also frying bacon and later added spinach, salt and pepper.
I am the only Asian at work and there, no one eat rice for lunch, no one use chopsticks, so I feel a little weird or embarrassing? but who cares! At least my husband enjoys my Japanese style o-bento so it should be good.

夫はいつも「美味しかった」 と言ってくれますが、

Friday, September 9, 2011
"Sushi Roll" bento - 巻き寿司弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Cucumber Rolls
- Tuna Rolls
- California Rolls (Immitation Crab and Avocado)
- Boiled Carrotts
This time I put wasabi inside of each roll. My husband love wasabi so much and can't taste it enough if I put it a little bit of it on top of each one like I used to. Good thing is I am getting used to making rolls and can do it faster than before!

Thursday, September 8, 2011
"Meat Loaf" bento - ミートローフ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Meat Loaf
- Boiled Carrotts and Broccoli
- Pan-fried Green Beans
- Rice with Furikake
I made this meat loaf for dinner last night. I wasn't sure if we could eat it all and my husband said he can take it to work today, so I really didn't have to cook this morning! Thanks!
- Boiled Carrotts and Broccoli
- Pan-fried Green Beans
- Rice with Furikake
I made this meat loaf for dinner last night. I wasn't sure if we could eat it all and my husband said he can take it to work today, so I really didn't have to cook this morning! Thanks!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"Boiled Mayo Shrimp" bento - マヨゆで海老(いろいろ)弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Green Onion Tamago Yaki and Steamed Broccoli (Rolled Egg)
- Pan-fried Green Beans & Sausage
- Boiled shrimp seasoned with Mayo & Sichimi pepper
- Rice with Furikake
My husband went to grocery shopping for me since I don’t have neither a car or time to walk there. I made most of the thing last night so that we can leave home at 5:50 in the morning! It was about to rain this morning at the bus stop so I stayed at a Sturbucks when they opened, which was 7:00am. Buying coffee makes me feel that I am wasting money, but today was a special day. I had a heavy backpack and wanted to go to the powder room. I had no idea how to turn on the light in there so I used my cell phone as a flash light instead of asking them. The sturbucks is in a basement and it seemed like having a wet floor because of rain!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
"No-Carb" bento - 炭水化物なし弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Hamburger
- Pan Fried Chicken (Salt & Pepper)
- Boiled Eggs
- Prunes
We ran out of rice!! My husband had never had fresh prunes and we bought some at Costco last week. They were a little sour but getting sweeter. I love them!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
"Ebi Mayo" bento - エビマヨ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Ebi Mayo (Boiled Shrimp in Mayonnaise)
- Sunny Side Up with BBQ sauce
- Fried Onion and Japapeno
- Broccoli
- Rice with Beef soboro
We had lost electricity for three days because of the hurricane! America's power lines are so weak. Or, maybe Japanese ones are strong? I couldn't even cook anything because our stove isn't gas stove. Thanks to our kind neighbor who has a cool generator, we could survive. We found out the power was back last night when we got back home, but we thought it was going to last for a week. I am so happy it got back though.
Anyway, I boil some shrimp in salt water and add mayonnaise and shichimi Japanese pepper in it. This was the first time to make it so I hope it turned out well.

Friday, August 26, 2011
"Grilled Chicken" bento - チキングリル弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Grilled Chicken (Soy and Garlic Marinated Chicken)
- Green Beans and Bacon Rolls
- Egg Rolls
- Rice with Umeboshi

Thursday, August 25, 2011
"Cheese Ton Katsu" bento - チーズ入トンカツ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Cheese Ton Katsu (Deep Fried Pork)
- Deep Fried Shrimp
- Rice with Furikake
- Boiled Egg
- Sliced Jalapeno
From today to Satuday, I will be working from noon until night so I made my own o-bento for dinner too. O-bento for husband is for lunch as usual though. Last night, I asked him what kind of meat he would like to have, beef, pork, or chicken? and he answered "pork" while I was a little hoping he would say 'chicken'. He told me, "Don't ask next time" when I said "It's hard.". Anyway while I was thinking what I can make with pork, he said "tonkatsu", the problem was solved quickly. I got not paper think like Japanese ones but regular thin sliced pork so I put sliced pepper jack cheese inside in it. Panko is made by tossing a piece of bread in blender. I love this panko a lot better than bread crumbs in the market.
This is my o-bento. It has cilantro instead of japapeno. I can't wait for the dinner break at work.

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