Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Curry & Rice" bento - 節約カレーライス弁当

Today's o-bento:
 - Curry and Rice
 - Potato and Sweet Corn Croquettes
 - Canned Fruits and Coconut Balls

So, like I wrote yesterday, we have very limited budget.
Curry and Rice are left over from two nights ago. 
Croquettes are made 3-4 months ago and they are still good! (Of course they were frozen in the freezer.)
I opened up the canned of tangerine, pink grape fruits, and peach this morning and mixed them with some very sweet coconut balls that were sleeping in the refrigerator for a long time... I served 1/2 peach with cottage cheese to my husband for the breakfast and he said it tasted funny. I had already tasted it before I gave it to him and I though it was just fine so it should be fine. Anyway, there's no GREEN in the o-bento today and I forgot to put some sauce on Croquettes! I'm sorry darling.


にほんブログ村 料理ブログ 簡単お弁当へ

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