Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Teriyaki Chicken & Cheese Omelet" bento - 照り焼きチキンとチーズオム弁当

Today's o-bento:
-   Teriyaki Chicken / 照り焼きチキン
-   Cheese Omelet  / チーズオムレツ
-   Pan-Fried Bell Pepper / パプリカ炒め
-    Boiled Broccoli / 茹ブロッコリー
-    Rice / ごはん

 I'm back in the U.S. (a while ago...) and found out that I am pregnant. I've been feeling too lazy to upload new pictures of O-bento, but that doesn't mean I wasn't making o-bento. Anyway, yesterday my husband told me that he wants more vegetable in o-bento so I fried bell pepper and boiled broccoli.


Thank you very much!!!

にほんブログ村 料理ブログ 簡単お弁当へ

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