Wednesday, January 30, 2013
"Chinjao Rosu" bento -チンジャオロース風弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Chinjao Rosu / チンジャオロース風肉炒
- Fried Enoki Mushrooms / エノキ炒め
- Sausages / タコさんウインナー風
- Rice with Seaweed Paste / ごはんとごはんですよ海苔
- Apple & Orange / りんごとオレンジ
I sliced some beef chunk into thin pieces and freeze them. I fried those beef with bell peppers and jalapeno peppers and seasoned with Oyster Sauce.
Thank you very much!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
"J-Style Fried Chicken" bento - 鶏の唐揚弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Japanese Style Fried Chicken / 鶏の唐揚
- Boiled Egg / ゆでたまご
- Bacon Okra / オクラのベーコン巻き
- Rice / ごはん
- Apple & Grapefruit / りんごとグレープフルーツ
Most vegetable in the refrigerator are already gone. Sorry darling!
Thank you very much!!!
Monday, January 28, 2013
"Bagel Sandwich" bento - ベーグルサンド弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Walnut Bagel with Black Olives & Cream Cheese
/ くるみベーグルのオリーブとクリームチーズサンド
- Cheese Bagel with Lox & Veges
/ チーズベーグルのスモークサーモンサンド
- Pickles & Olives / ピクルスとオリーブ
I made Bagels yesterday for today's lunch. My husband didn't have to go to lunch until 11:00am this morning due to the weather but it's too late, I made them already.
Thank you very much!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
"Shrimp Fried Rice" bento - 海老炒飯弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Shrimp Fried Rice / 海老炒飯
- Grilled Shiitake Mushroom / しいたけのチーズ焼き
- Bacon Okra / オクラのベーコン巻き
- Fruits / イチゴとオレンジ
I hope Shiitake turned out well. I found a recipe on Cook-pad. It's sometime useful but sometime I don't like recipes on it.
Thank you very much!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
"Heinz Egg Croquette" bento - ハインツ玉子コロッケ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Heinz Egg Croquette / ハインツ玉子コロッケ
- Spinach Saute / ほうれん草のソテー
- Enoki & Shiitake Mushroom with Bacon Saute / エノキ、しいたけ、ベーコンの炒め物
- Rice / ごはん
- Pumpkin & Enoki Mushroom Miso Soup / カボチャとエノキの味噌汁
I had to consume all the milk I had in the refrigerator not to waste it, so I made white sauce from it. I usually make gratin or alfredo with white sauce but this time I wanted to try making creamy croquette so I used a recipe from Heinz web site. It was actually better than I thought. I should have added more shrimp though.
Thank you very much!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
"California Roll" bento - カリフォルニア巻etc弁当
Today's o-bento:
- California Roll / カリフォルニア巻
- Pork Spare Ribs / 豚スペアリブ
- Pumpkin & Enoki Mushroom Miso Soup / カボチャとエノキの味噌汁
- Strawberries / いちご
We went to grocery shopping to a new Asian (Korean) grocery store last weekend. We were not planning to buy a lot but we ended up with doing so (About $160!) Anyway, the temperature of today is -4℃ to 11℃ so I made miso soup for him. Spare Ribs which my husband cooked are left over from last night.
Thank you very much!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
"Diced Steak" bento - 角ステーキ弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Diced Steak / 角ステーキ
- Pan-Fried Bell Pepper / ペッパー炒め
- Cheese Omlet / チーズ入りオムレツ
- Rice / ごはん
- Fruits (Apple, Orange & Banana) / 果物
I usually get up at 5:30 to make o-Bento for my husband but I woke up a little after 6 this morning! I made everything in a rush and spilled some beaten egg on the floor so they look a little smaller than usual.
Thank you very much!!!
Friday, January 11, 2013
"Chicken Teriyaki" bento - 鶏の照り焼き弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Spicy Chicken Teriya ki / 鶏の照り焼き
- Pan-Fried Aburaage with Natto / 油揚げの納豆包み
- Rice with Takuan / ごはんと沢庵
- Tofu Miso Soup / 豆腐の味噌汁(No picture)
I still have a lot of Aburaage left in my refrigerator so I cut one piece into half then stuffed with Natto. My husband love Natto so much! One night I just sliced some Okra to eat simply with soy sauce then he showed me a little puzzled face and said he wanted Natto in it too. Both Okra and Natto are good individually but they are real good combination as well.
Thank you very much!!!
Friday, January 4, 2013
"Pan-Fried Pork" bento - 豚のマヨパン粉焼弁当
Today's o-bento:
- Pan-Fried Pork / 豚のマヨパン粉焼き
- Pan-Fried Enoki Mashroom, Onion, & Jalapeno / えのき、玉葱、ハラペーニョの炒め物
- Rice with Furikake / ゆかりごはん
Thank you very much!!!
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